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For Customer Feedback

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Feedback Tips
It works


Busy businesses have happy customers.

Feedback tips

Receive feedback from customers by voice mail, text or online.

Customer Support

We support our products 100%. If you need help, give us a shout.

Email Feedback

Email the feedback you receive to members of management or employees.

Private Label

Bring our services in-house to fit your application.

Instant feedback

Get real-time feedback from customers.

Real-time response

Receive email notifications when you receive feedback.

Receive more input from customers

Feedback gives you insight on your employees performance and your business.

Online Access

All of your feedback is accessible online in your account.


30 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with our service.


Happy Customers




Little things


Great Ideas


License A

Includes 50,000 credits

  • Receive tips from your private voice mail / text message number and your private sub-domain
    Private toll free or local voice mail number
    Includes set-up of unlimited extensions
    Dedicated extension numbers
    Website with all your extensions
    Header banner for your sub-domain
    Customized voice prompts
  • Full service account

License B

Includes 700 credits

  • Receive feedback tips by voice mail, text messages and on-line
    Use our toll free voice mail number
    Assigned extension numbers
    Unlimited extension numbers
    Includes set-up of 20 extensions


License C

Includes 100 credits

  • Receive feedback tips by voice mail, text messages and on-line
    Use our toll free voice mail number
    Assigned extension numbers
    Unlimited extension numbers
    Includes set-up of 20 extensions



Put feedback to work for you.

Little ideas make for big improvements.

Improve employee accountability

Assign employees their own extension numbers and let your customers tell you how they are doing.

Stop guessing start asking

People generally like to give feedback so ask for it! Build your business on your customers wants, needs and trends.

Increase sales with feedback from customers

You wouldn't believe all the little things that customers notice that are impacting your business.

Customers call the shots

Feedback Tips gives customers an easy way to communicate with your business.

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